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CheckoutOur company provides discounts for combatants in the amount of 15% for the entire range of products.
To receive a discount when ordering on the website danaper.com, you must mark the status of the combatant in the comments to the order and send a scanned or photographed ID of the combatant to sales@danaper.com. The discount is charged only if the data in the certificate and the person receiving the order match.
A 10% discount on the entire product range is also available:
- Ministry of Internal Affairs employees;
- Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;
- GSChS employees;
- SBU officers.
To take advantage of the discount, when ordering on the website danaper.com, in the comments to the order, put a mark on the active service in the aforementioned departments and send a scanned or photographed ID with a stamp on the current time of service to sales@danaper.com. The discount is charged only if the data in the certificate and the person receiving the order match.